
Emotionally Healthy Families 2.0

hosted by Emily Hamblin



Discover useful strategies to build emotional resilience for you & your kids, so you can strengthen the love & connection in your home.

Want your kids to learn emotional resillience?


Featuring Top Experts for

Raising Emotionally Healthy Families:

Speakers Featured In:

Here's just a sample of what you can expect:

...and more...🌟

Hosted by a Mom who "Gets it"

Hey! I'm Emily. I'm a neurodivergent mom of 4, former foster mom of 27, and certified teacher that's worked with more than 1,000 kids.

I sure do look like I have it all together, don't I? 😂😭💛 Let me give you a glimpse into my real life...

I remember burying my face into my blanket, face down, sobbing, because not only were my kids out of control, but *I* was out of control, too!

I had never wanted to have a home with this much screaming and fighting, and here I was...experiencing just that. I didn't yet know that my children had autism, ADHD, anxiety, and a highly sensitive nervous system. I just knew that something needed to change if we wanted to have a better relationship - both now and in the future.

After many hard years, I finally learned SO many important research-backed perspective shifts, strategies, and tools, and have been empowered to parent my children with much more calm and confidence. My goal is to now empower other parents, too - only without all those dark, guilt-crushing years.

A more emotionally healthy family is within your reach. I have hand-picked some of the top experts in the world to teach how you can have a more emotionally healthy family, too.

We don't have to be alone on this parenting journey. Let's come together and uplift each other as we help our children have a brighter future.

Register today - for free! - and see for yourself how much your efforts matter. 💛

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